Get it? Links!

These pages are not mine! These are things I have linked to! They are not as good as my site but they are still pretty cool! Enjoy these, but please come back to my site when you are done!

Domino's Pizza--This is the pizza restraunt chain that came up with The Noid in the first place! This official website has no Noid content, but is still pretty cool!

Wie Is The Noid--This is some scrawny little german guy! He calls himself "The Noid", even though neither he nor his page has anything to do with The Noid! As loyal Noid fans, we should all send him hate mail!

Noid Commercial--This website has The Noid's first commercial in Real Video! This is real cool, go watch it!

"Avoid The Noid" Game--This site has "Avoid The Noid" and a bunch of other cool old games to download! Many of them illegal! Please use caution! I'd hate to see a fellow Noid fan be arrested!

Claymation Animator--This guy worked at Will Vinton Studios at the time The Noid commercials were being produced! He never actually worked on The Noid(he was assigned to California Raisons), but chances are, he knew somebody who did!

Yo! Noid--This website has the NESticle(a Nintendo emulator of some sort), "Yo! Noid", and a whole bunch of other cool old Nintendo games to download!